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OLLI: Planning & Growing a Garden for Biodiversity

Monarch Waystation

I've included tons of great, useable information in this class to set you on the path to designing your own butterfly garden to support biodiversity.

What: Planning and Growing a Garden for Biodiversity
Where: Online via ZOOM
Dates: Tuesdays, starting April 1st, 2025
Time: 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Sessions: 5 Tuesdays

IMPORTANT: You must be a current member of Olli and be logged in for the "Request Course" or "Add to Cart" (or "Waitlist") buttons to appear!

This is a lecture course presented from an artistic and amateur scientific point of view and is designed to appeal to all levels of butterfly, gardening, and wildlife enthusiasts.

During the five class meetings, we will review the underlying principles of habitat creation, then go through the steps needed to create multi-seasonal butterfly and pollinator habitats.

We'll discuss:

  • habitat
  • soil
  • basic design principles
  • growing from seed
  • planting for sustained bloom
  • create your own garden design in an interactive exercise

This time around in our final class we will look at the new "Home Grown National Park" movement and how you can particicpate.

NO textbook is required, and you do not need a garden to participate, or enjoy, this class. The basic principles discussed can easily be used in small spaces such as flower pots on balconies, small raised beds, or any number of planting alternatives. Based on the premise that great beauty can be achieved while simultaneously increasing biodiversity, students will be presented with steps needed to create multi-seasonal pollinator and wildlife habitat that will enhance not only the beauty of their property, but also re-create the natural biodiversity of their communities.

After taking this mini-course, students who install a butterfly or native garden as outlined should be able to qualify for certification as a monarch butterfly way station, a Rogue Valley pollinator-friendly site, or a certified wildlife habitat garden.

Recommended Reading:

  • Eileen Stark's book "Real Gardens Grow Natives," which explores the relationship between native plants and biodiversity in our local ecosystem.
  • "Soil Building," by Elizabeth Murphy
  • "Nature's Best Hope," by Douglas Tallamy